About The Conference


The 3rd Science and Technology International Conference (STIC) is a forum for researchers to disseminate their research results in the field of science, technology, and its applications in order to provide positive contributions in improving society welfare and sustainability. This conference addresses many prevalent issues related to society, its environment, and education. Therefore, this conference aims to exchange information and knowledge, as well as to initiate global collaborations among researchers across the globe. This conference will be carried out in a hybrid method, meaning that it will facilitate for both offline and online discussions.


“Improving Community Welfare and Sustainability Through Science and Technology”

Topic of Interest

  1. Biology includes Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Genetics and Biology Molecular, Ecology and Conservation, etc.
  2. Chemistry includes Environmental Chemistry, Material Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, etc.
  3. Computer Science includes Artificial Intelligent, Big Data and Data Science, Network Computing, Information System, etc.
  4. Mathematics and Statistics includes Mathematics Education, Algebra, Number Theory, Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics, Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Mathematical Aspects of computer Science, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Control Theory and Optimization, etc.
  5. Pharmacy includes Analytical Pharmacy, Bio-pharmacy, Technology Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy, etc.
  6. Physics includes Quantum Physics, Optics, Magnetism, Biophysics, Photonics, Instrumentation Physics, Sensors and Actuator, Biosensor, Electronics, Computational Physics, Geophysics, Medical Physics, Nuclear Physics, Materials Physics, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Imaging Physics, etc.

Gambar STIC Unud

Call For Papers

Participants of STIC 2024

  1. Undergraduate
  2. General


  1. Undergraduate
  2. General

Alternative Publications

SINTA indexed National Journals:

No Logo Name Topics Rank
1 Buletin Fisika (Fisika Udayana) Physics S3
2 Indonesia Physical Review (Fisika Unram) Physics S2

Jurnal |


1.First Announcement1st June 2024
2.Abstract submission12th August – 30th September 2024
3.Abtract acceptance announcement4th September – 4th October 2024
4.Conference6th – 7th November 2024 




1.Active Participant without presentation and poster*300.000100.00030 USD10 USD
2.Undergraduate Student with oral presentation650.000250.000**60 USD25 USD

Undergraduate Student with poster650.000-60 USD-
4.General Participant with oral presentation900.000350.000**75 USD35 USD
5.Publication in Sinta Indexed JournalDepending on the Journal policy

* Participants are not provided with a seminar kit (only lunch and snacks)

** For participant from outside Bali Province


For registration, click this link REGISTRATION

Further Information, please feel free to contact us

Contact : 

  • +6285342924485 (Tedy)
  • +6282227280609 (Saka)
  • +628117578789 (Lanang)


Payment can be made through bank transfer to

Name of Account STIC FMIPA
IDR Account No. 1864552509
Bank Address BNI Kantor Cabang Renon, Jalan Raya Puputan No. 27 Renon Denpasar - Bali

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Muhammad Nurdin, M.Sc., IPU., ASEAN Eng.
Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Muhammad Nurdin, M.Sc., IPU., ASEAN Eng.

Chemistry Departement, Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia
Rector Universitas |

Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si
Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si

Physics Departement, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, PharmD.
Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, PharmD.

Department of Pharmacy, Mahidol University - Thailand

Ferry Haris
Ferry Haris

CEO FEHA International Consulting B.V. - Netherlands

Imre Ferenc Barna, Ph.D.
Imre Ferenc Barna, Ph.D.

Wigner Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Hungarian

Conrad Rizal, PhD
Conrad Rizal, PhD

Seed NanoTech International Inc. - Canada

Mihyun Seol, Ph.D.
Mihyun Seol, Ph.D.

National Institute of Forest Science (NIFos) - South Korea

Mohd Fairus Mohd Yasin, Ph.D.
Mohd Fairus Mohd Yasin, Ph.D.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia - Malaysia

Kelvin Mpofu, Ph.D.
Kelvin Mpofu, Ph.D.

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Witwatersrand University – South Africa

Rimson Muara Jaya, S.Farm., M.BA.
Rimson Muara Jaya, S.Farm., M.BA.

Merck Life Science - Indonesia

Dr. rer. nat. apt. Ni Putu Ariantari, S.Farm., M.Farm.
Dr. rer. nat. apt. Ni Putu Ariantari, S.Farm., M.Farm.

Pharmacy Departement, Universitas Udayana - Indonesia

Members of the scientific committee

Dra. Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni, M.Sc., Ph.D (Biology)

Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Sutapa, S.Si., M.Si (Physics)

Dr. I Nengah Sandi, S.Si., M.FOr. (Physics)

Drs. Made Sumadiyasa, M.Si. (Physics)

Prof. Dr. Dra. Wiwik Susanah Rita, M.Si. (Chemistry)

Dra. Iryanti Eka Suprihatin, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Chemistry)

Dr. Irdhawati, S.Si., M.Si (Chemistry)

Fainmarinat Selviani Inabuy, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D (Biology)

Dr. Ni Wayan Sudatri, S.Si., M.Si. (Biology)

Dr. Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti, S.Si., M.Si (Biology)

Prof. Komang Darmawan (Mathematics)

Kartika Sari, S.Si., M.Sc. (Mathematics)

Made Ayu Octavanny, S.Si., M.Si (Mathematics)

Dr. Cokorda Rai Paramartha (Informatics)

Gusti Ayu Vida Mastika Giri, S.Kom., M.Cs. (Informatics)

Dr. Anak Agung Ngurah Istri Eka Karyawati, S.Si., M.Eng. (Informatics)

Rini Noviyani, Ph.D (Pharmacy)

Dr. rer. nat. Ni Putu Ariantari, S.Farm., M.Farm., Apt. (Pharmacy)

Dr. apt. Luh Putu Mirah Kusuma Dewi, S.F., M.Sc. (Pharmacy)



  • Offline at Udayana University Sudirman Campus


  • Wednesday, 6th - Thursday, 7th November 2024 


  • Start at 08.00 - 16.30 WITA (GMT +8)

Further Information, please feel free to contact us

Contact Us

  • +6285342924485 (Tedy)
  • +6282227280609 (Saka)
  • +628117578789 (Lanang)


Steering Committee :

  1. Dr. Drs. Wayan Gede Suharta, M.Si.
  2. Dr. I Ketut Ginantra, S.Pd., M.Si.
  3. Dr. Ida Ayu Gede Widihati, S.Si., M.Si.
  4. I Gusti Ayu Made Srinadi, S.Si., M.Si.
  5. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Gede Suhartana, S.Kom., IPM., ASEAN.Eng.
  6. Dr. Eka Indra Setyawan, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt.
  7. Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dewantara Putra, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt.
  8. Dr. Drs. I Gusti Agung Gede Bawa, M.Si.
  9. Dr. Sang Ketut Sudirga, S.Si., M.Si.
  10. Prof. Dr. Drs. Anak Agung Ketut Darmadi, M.Si.

Organizing Committee :

  1. Chairman: I Putu Tedy Indrayana, S.Pd., M.Sc. (Physics)
  2. Co-Chairman: I Gusti Ngurah Lanang Wijayakusuma, S.Si., M.Si. (Mathematics)
  3. Secretary: I Made Saka Wijaya, S.Si., M.Sc. (Biology)
  4. Treasurer: Ni Luh Putu Rusmadewi (FMIPA)
  5. Scientific Committee: Dra. Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni, M.Sc., Ph.D (Biology)
  • Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Sutapa, S.Si., M.Si (Physics)
  • Dr. I Nengah Sandi, S.Si., M.FOr. (Physics)
  • Drs. Made Sumadiyasa, M.Si. (Physics)
  • Prof. Dr. Dra. Wiwik Susanah Rita, M.Si. (Chemistry)
  • Dra. Iryanti Eka Suprihatin, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Chemistry)
  • Dr. Irdhawati, S.Si., M.Si (Chemistry)
  • Fainmarinat Selviani Inabuy, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D (Biology)
  • Dr. Ni Wayan Sudatri, S.Si., M.Si. (Biology)
  • Dr. Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti, S.Si., M.Si (Biology)
  • Prof. Komang Darmawan (Mathematics)
  • Kartika Sari, S.Si., M.Sc. (Mathematics)
  • Made Ayu Octavanny, S.Si., M.Si (Mathematics)
  • Dr. Cokorda Rai Paramartha (Informatics)
  • Gusti Ayu Vida Mastika Giri, S.Kom., M.Cs. (Informatics)
  • Dr. Anak Agung Ngurah Istri Eka Karyawati, S.Si., M.Eng. (Informatics)
  • Rini Noviyani, Ph.D (Pharmacy)
  • Dr. rer. nat. Ni Putu Ariantari, S.Farm., M.Farm., Apt. (Pharmacy)
  • Dr. apt. Luh Putu Mirah Kusuma Dewi, S.F., M.Sc. (Pharmacy)
  1. Technical Program Chair: Yan Ramona (Biology)
  2. Secretariat and Article Publication Chair: Pande Made Nova Armita Sari (Pharmacy)
  3. Publicity, Website and Documentation Chair: Dr. Made Agung Raharja,S.Si.,M.Cs. (Informatics)
  4. Logistics Chair: I Wayan Supriana,S.Si.,M.Cs. (Informatics)
  5. Community Relations and Fundraiser Chair: apt. Anak Agung Gede Rai Yadnya Putra, S.Farm., M.Si.
  6. Food and Consumption Chair: Ida Ayu Gede Suwiprabayanti Putra (Informatics)

Scientific Committee:

Dra. Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni, M.Sc., Ph.D (Biology)
• Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Sutapa, S.Si., M.Si (Physics)
• Dr. I Nengah Sandi, S.Si., M.FOr. (Physics)
• Drs. Made Sumadiyasa, M.Si. (Physics)
• Prof. Dr. Dra. Wiwik Susanah Rita, M.Si. (Chemistry)
• Dra. Iryanti Eka Suprihatin, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Chemistry)
• Dr. Irdhawati, S.Si., M.Si (Chemistry)
• Fainmarinat Selviani Inabuy, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D (Biology)
• Dr. Ni Wayan Sudatri, S.Si., M.Si. (Biology)
• Dr. Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti, S.Si., M.Si (Biology)
• Prof. Komang Darmawan (Mathematics)
• Kartika Sari, S.Si., M.Sc. (Mathematics)
• Made Ayu Octavanny, S.Si., M.Si (Mathematics)
• Dr. Cokorda Rai Paramartha (Informatics)
• Gusti Ayu Vida Mastika Giri, S.Kom., M.Cs. (Informatics)
• Dr. Anak Agung Ngurah Istri Eka Karyawati, S.Si., M.Eng. (Informatics)
• Rini Noviyani, Ph.D (Pharmacy)
• Dr. rer. nat. Ni Putu Ariantari, S.Farm., M.Farm., Apt. (Pharmacy)
• Dr. apt. Luh Putu Mirah Kusuma Dewi, S.F., M.Sc. (Pharmacy)

Leaflet STIC 2022

Leaflet STIC 2022

STIC 2024

STIC 2024